29 AUG 2024 - Greet Cammaerts joins Tide Software

Mrs Greet Cammaerts, ex-Thomas Cook and Pegase Head of IT, joins Tide Software as Product Owner

We are delighted to introduce Mrs Greet Cammaerts as Tide’s Product Owner, a position newly created due to Tide’s fast growing customer base. With a wealth of experience in the travel industry and a proven track record of driving innovation, Greet brings a fresh perspective and skilled leadership to our team.

As we look forward to the exciting developments on the Tide horizon, we sat down with Greet to learn more about her journey, vision for the future, and plans to elevate Tide to new heights. Join us as we delve into her insights and aspirations for her role at Tide Software.

Hi Greet, can you tell us about your background and what attracted you to join Tide Software?

I have spent many years working internationally for various shipping companies, where I implemented IT systems across the globe. About fifteen years ago, I joined Thomas Cook Group as Program Manager, where I initiated a digitalization process. After Thomas Cook's unfortunate bankruptcy in 2019, I transitioned to its luxury brand Pegase, as IT Director. Over the past few years, I have been responsible for optimizing and implementing the Tide platform within Pegase. At that time, Tide was brand new and needed to be adapted to meet the diverse needs of our business. Now that the implementation at Pegase has been successfully completed and all IT systems are fully optimized, I am eager to dedicate myself this to the supplier side of the Tide product. It is a unique, disruptive technology within the travel industry with tremendous international potential.

So, as Head of IT at Pegase, you have become very familiar with the Tide platform. Can you share what you consider to be the system's greatest strengths?

The end-to-end development of the numerous features and functionalities within Tide is truly unparalleled. In order to facilitate Pegase's relaunch after the bankruptcy of Thomas Cook, I thoroughly evaluated multiple systems, and what I discovered in Tide was exceptional. Tide offers an incredible array of capabilities, addressing nearly all the needs of a modern travel organization. Having rolled out Tide over the past few years and worked with it intensively on the business side, I am even more convinced that this software is the technology of the future as it facilitates the digital transformation that our travel industry needs.

Now at Tide Software, what are your main priorities and responsibilities in your role as Product Owner?

My role is twofold. On one hand, I ensure the smooth onboarding of the Tide platform for new clients, guiding them through every step of their digital transformation journey. On the other hand, I lead the ongoing product development, in close collaboration with our owner. This means I am in constant communication with our clients, continually seeking out adjustments and improvements to meet their evolving needs. Software is never finished, and here we have a dedicated developing team working tirelessly to keep pushing the platform forward.

Tide is constantly onboarding new clients. At the same time we continuously develop the platform with new features and functionalities. How do you plan to align product implementation with ongoing product development and innovation?

I believe in a highly collaborative and iterative approach. Our onboarding process is  smooth and deeply integrated with our product development cycles. This means gathering feedback from clients and quickly feeding that back into our development pipeline. So we balance the urgency of client onboarding with the new strategic product development, ensuring that every client benefits from the latest innovations while maintaining a seamless implementation experience. By continuously iterating based on user feedback, we can ensure that the platform evolves in a way that is both innovative and user-centric.

What strategies do you have in mind to ensure our products meet customer needs and expectations?

Tide Software is an agile structured tech company. Agile methodologies allow us to be responsive to customer feedback and rapidly iterate on our product development. Feedback loops, data-driven decision making, customer engagement through webinars, training sessions etc…  are all important in this process. By actively listening to their needs and challenges, and by regularly releasing updates and enhancements, we can adapt our product roadmap to address real-world use cases.

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